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We are auctioning a mix of lights lenses and camera accessories.
We are auctioning ARRI ex demo and certified pre-owned stock.
Kino Flo® Lighting Systems’ True Match® FreeStyle LED tubes are specially designed for operation in FreeStyle T44 fixtures for film production or stage design lighting. The FreeStyle LED tubes display Kino Flo’s True Match white light and RGBWW color management system found in Kino Flo’s LED lighting fixtures. The tubes are 4ft (1.2m). On camera, FreeStyle LED tubes photograph with the same softness, the same subtle color reproduction as Kino Flo’s award-winning T12 high-output lamps. In addition to the >95 photo rendering index, cinematographers will see the difference the 310° LED tube makes when operated in a fixture or out of the fixture as a remote “sabre” of light. Paired with the FreeStyle T44 fixture’s light intensifying reflector, the tube projects soft light forward at a 100° beam angle at about the same light levels you’d get from a 1000W tungsten softlight
FreeStyle 4 LED Design
FreeStyle LED Features
The White menu features Dimming, tunable Kelvin range from 2700K tungsten to 6500K daylight and Green/Magenta control channels. The Green/Magenta control can be scaled from 0- to 100, where 25 = ¼ correction, 50 = ½ correction and 100 = full correction.In the Gels/Hue menu, the Kelvin range is extended to 2500K Kelvin to 9900K daylight and a fourth channel is called Gel. The Gel channel includes Kino Flo presets such as blue & green screen, sodium vapor, mercury vapor as well as over 100 well-known lighting gels. The gel function can be applied to any Kelvin temperature and by pushing the control knob in/out, the gel will be applied or removed. A fifth channel called Hue Angle (Hue) and sixth channel Saturation (Sat) are also included in the gel menu. These two channels behave similar to a traditional color wheel, where white light is in the center and Hue Angle determines the color along a 360-degree range and Saturation determines how much color is applied. With the Hue Angle and Saturation it is possible to create over 2 million color combinations!The RGB color menu gives individual control of red, green and blue LED’s. The RGB mode is a great way to work with apps with predetermined RGB presets or color wheels. RGB menu is also a great feature to dial in specific gel RGB values or when controlling colors from a DMX desk.The FX (Effects) menu introduced on June 1, 2018 provides access to popular effects such as Candle, Fire, TV, Police, Lightning, Paparazzi, Pulse and Scroll. When on the desired effect, there are several pre-sets as well as control parameters that can be altered. For example, in the Lightning effect there is a “Storm” and “Frankenstein” preset, but it is possible to changein the box: 1 FreeStyle T44 LED Fixture Dimensions 55 x 8 x 19.5” Weight 25 lb (11kg) |